Re-imagining the Netflix Experience

Project Description

“Netflix + Stranger things”

The design brief asked for the Netflix service to be redesigned to allow users to watch stranger things episodes with friends, each in their own location.

Our final design included elements such as: rules to prevent spoilers, or pre-selecting the number of episodes to be watched to prevent binge watching.

Project Timeline

1 week

Team members

Manuela Briceño – Valeria Ledesma – Laura Santana – Stephany Macedo

01.  User journey

We leveraged our individual experiences with Netflix to come up with a fictive persona and different user activities (due to time constraints we couldn’t perform user research).

02.  Customer emotions

Each step of the journey was mapped to our persona’s emotion. This helped us ideate solutions and helped us identify areas of opportunity in which we want to play.
A visual representation of each step of the journey (accompanied by a short script) helped us focus on what  mattered and made communicating the journey more effective.

03.  Front stage

On the front stage, we focused on developing the map through customer actions, mapping out the touchpoints with different devices, as well as identifying touch-points with the Netflix brand and partners (example: delivery service).
As we mapped it out, we started to see areas of opportunities emerged and we added them in for later consideration.

A personal “aha” moment: as we mapped out the different touchpoint, you could start to see how the different element tied back to the business model canvas, giving an idea of the quadrants that we would need to focus on.

04.  Backstage

On the back stage, we focused on developing the map through social media, the Netflix brand and partners that we could pull in for a better user experience. We also mapped out the resources required to operate.

Personal “aha” moment: The touchpoint and resources required provide insight on what areas of the business model will need to be adapted or changed.

04.  Design

As we added information into the map, we ideated, identified areas of opportunities and expanded the map (divergence). Looking back at the design brief, we prioritized them in order to come up with a compelling final design for our solution (convergence).

05.  Service blueprint

Our final deliverable was a service blueprint which highlighted operational needs and adjustments required in order to fulfill the desired user experience via our service.
Some of the operational needs can be summarized into: Operation modelling, resource management, HR, marketing and customer engagement.

This project is ready for implementation!

Our service blueprint

